Since the overwhelming majority of inspections are unscheduled, the best defense is to maintain a constant state of readiness by always being in compliance with OSHA regulations. Pay close attention to the following areas:
Simply complying with OSHA regulations isn’t enough. An inspector will want to see proof of compliance. For example, you may do a great job of providing safety training, but if you don’t have a form where employees verify that they completed the training, it might as well have never happened. The inspector will also want to look through your accident records as well as documentation of the process by which employees notify management of hazards. It’s a good idea to keep all of this documentation in one place as part of an “OSHA inspection kit.”
The final step in your preparation involves making a couple of important decisions. First, you have the right to require an inspector to get a warrant, but some experts suggest that it’s not worth it. Most judges willingly grant the warrant, and the inspector may end up grading you more harshly for making him do the extra work. Either way, it’s a decision that should be made in advance, not when an inspector is standing there waiting.
You also have the right to assign someone to accompany the inspector while he’s on the property. Usually, it’s someone who is authorized to act on the company’s behalf as well as when appropriate, a labor worker representing the employees. This is another decision that should be made in advance. If the designated people aren’t on site when an inspector shows up, ask him to wait. Most will be willing to wait a reasonable amount of time (except for emergency inspections).
How you react when an inspector shows up can make a big difference. Stay calm, and be polite. Here’s what is likely to happen:
An OSHA inspection is never fun. But it doesn’t have to be a disaster, either. The best defense is to always be in compliance with OSHA regulations and to willingly cooperate with the inspector. With a little preparation and a good attitude, you should be able to get through an inspection with ease.